
Individual Sponsorships: People come in all shapes and sizes—and so do their needs. For just $40/month (or $480 annually), you can provide a Dominican child access to basic health and hygiene needs—plus unique programs tailored to fit each stage of their development, from birth to age 21. This sponsorship will help pay for medical and dental checkups, vitamins and medicine, education, mentorship programs, spiritual development, clean water and so much more. 

Family Sponsorships: Families are the building block of communities—and our work in the Dominican Republic has shown us they need assistance. For just $150/month (or $1,800 annually), you can provide a family access to everything from the basics of health care and water, to family counseling and improved living condition. Uplifting the family creates a ripple effect—setting change into motion for everyone. 

Community Sponsorship: When we come together for others, we can build futures. That’s why Con Gracia focuses many of our humanitarian efforts at the community level. Through education, sanitation, mentorship and more, we can transform a village from the inside out. For just $250/month (or $3,000 annually), you can build a batey’s future.


Wilkin Louis James

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 28

Sponsor Now

Maria Michel Jean

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 28

Sponsor Now

Yorkaira Sanchez Tapia

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 28

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Juana Guillen

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 28

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Daniela Manzanillo Echavarria

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 28

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Berenice Richardson Pinales

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 28

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Maridania Ramos

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 28

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Johane Vargas

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 28

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Felix Junior Felix Mercedes

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 29

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Junior Feliz Mercede

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 29

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Nilcia De la Cruz Fernandez

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 29

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Marian Garcia Luis

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 29

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Claverta Andre

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 29

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Josefina Santana

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 29

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Luis David Brayan Mercedes

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 29

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Valentina Deomoche Chal

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 30

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Wandel Ramirez

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 30

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Estefani Richard

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 30

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Juan Alberto Cesario

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 30

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Karolan Castillo

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 30

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Estefani Yan

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 30

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Isamal Mercedes

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 30

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Marcial Mehosie

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 30

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Francisco Pea Garcia

Individual Sponsorship

Age: 30

Sponsor Now